Sunday, April 24, 2011


hear a song today “ 路要自己走”
the lyric inside inspire me something....

this let me understand that everyone have our own path to go on,
parents, friends, siblings even though partner just only can guide and accompany us,
they cant decide which path we should go or which decision we should make,
this is because that is our own path, they cant decide for us....
all they can do is giving advise and guiding for us....
the last decision is on our own hand...

this is what i understand and realize from this song....
i had been listening to this song so many time,
but now only i realize the underlying meaning....

i know what u have done to me all this time,
i understand that d...
all u want me to do is grow up by myself,
because all u can do is just accompany me and guiding me....
u cant make decision for me, u want me to learn to be independent...
i understand ur 苦心。。。
thank you, my dear.... 

sorry for all this time geh 霸道,无理取闹。。。
i think i should learn it....
